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Pronunciation: dis-'fA-zik
Function: noun or adjective
: loss of or deficiency in the power to use or understand language as a result of injury to or disease of the brain


dysphasic was founded in February of 2003 by guitarist Ryan Bauer, bassist Brian Schifferdecker and drummer Tony Mueller. Our friend Big Daddy Shane from the band Level'd introduced us to Keith Brake and all hell broke loose. Keith had this stack of notebooks full of intense lyrics just waiting to be put to music and we were happy to oblige. We had the framework of about ten new songs in less than two months and worked hard at getting them tight enought to play some live shows to see what people thought. Our first few shows were some kiddy-punk shows in Belleville and Fairview Heights, and even though we sounded nothing like any of the other bands, the response was fantastic.

After several other shows, we knew that we could go somewhere with this material, but personal differences led us to remove Ryan from the band. The search was on for a replacement. We initially asked Chris Rader of Level'd to join the band. Chris agreed to help us out and play on our demos and cover the next show we had booked, but he was too busy with Level'd and going to college to make a long-term commitment to dysphasic. Once again, the search was on.
Finally, in October 2003, we met Jose Diaz. After about 3 weeks of practicing we debuted Jose on Oct. 30th at Sally T's in St. Peters, MO and tore the house down. Jose didn't just learn the songs, but made them his own and elevated them to a higher level. We now have a truly intense guitar player to complement the emotional content of Keith's lyrics and to push our creativity to new places. --TM
The Admiral El Puma Otis T Bone

Keith Brake :: vocals

Jose Diaz :: guitar Brian Schifferdecker :: bass Tony Mueller :: drums
username is band password is the name of the street I live on

  dysphasic rocks!